10 movies and TV shows your kids shouldn’t watch on Netflix

Netflix is a fantastic source of entertainment and positive content for the whole family, but there is also a lot that is not suitable at all for kids. Here we give an insight into some titles with bloodshed, severed body parts, zombies, uninhibited drug abuse, and worse.

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If we’re going to provide one good tip to parents on how to deal with Netflix, then it has to be this: Learn how to put parental controls on Netflix

Once that’s done, feel free to spend some time reviewing the offer of the service and finding the best content for your kids. Here are Barnevakten’s tips for great family movies on Netflix

What you need to know about Netflix

Netflix is a foreign streaming service, so it is not obliged to comply with the Norwegian Picture Programme Act (bildeprogramloven) that, among other things, regulates the age classification of films and TV shows. Therefore, the age limits of the providers are not necessarily in accordance with Norwegian criteria for setting age limits.

As a result, the age limits set in Netflix content do not match the age limit it would receive if the Norwegian criteria were used as a basis.

An example of this is the Norwegian film The Wave (Bølgen), which was given a 15-year age limit by the Norwegian Media Authority when it was released in cinemas in 2015, but is listed with an age limit of 13+ on Netflix.

What does Netflix say about age limits?

We have contacted Netflix with questions about how they set age limits on movies and shows, but to date, the only answer we have received is a reference to a website that provides a general explanation of their practices.

Among other things, it says:

  • Maturity ratings are either set by Netflix or by a local standards organization.
  • Netflix sets maturity ratings by the frequency and impact of mature content in a title, such as the amount of violence, sex, adult language, nudity, or substance use that may be present.
  • Netflix also provides details on the mature content found within a TV show or movie, if applicable.
  • TV show ratings reflect the overall maturity level of the whole series.
  • TV and movie ratings may vary by region.

Netflix operates with age ratings of All, 7+, 13+, 16+, and 18+.
Source: Netflix

Here are some movies and TV shows that kids shouldn’t watch on Netflix

Squid Game

South Korean drama series, 2021
Netflix age limit: 16 years
Brutal executions in children’s toys, organ harvesting, and crab-eaten corpses are among the elements of the global Squid Game phenomenon. For adults, Squid Game can be an original, refreshingly shocking, and thought-provoking series, but for children, the action and visual impressions can be very strong. There is nothing in the show’s action, language use, or characters that suggest that this is a series for children.
Read Barnevakten’s review of Squid Game

The Trip (Norwegian title: «I onde dager»)

Norwegian comedy, 2021
Netflix Age limit: 16 years
Lars and Lisa are way past their good days in marriage. In fact, both have a plan ready to kill the spouse. But three escaped prisoners are interfering with the (more or less mediative) murder plans, and soon a violent and bloody showdown begins. Hands are cut off, faces are beaten hard and brutally, heads are shot off, and in general, there is blood splattered in hysteria and torment. This is first and foremost a comedy, so for older youth and adults who like the genre, the film can be very entertaining. But for children, this is far too much.


US action film, 2020
Age limit on Netflix: 18 years
Extraction is a film that is largely made as a first-person shooting game. It is extremely violent and shows a series of brutal killings. This is one of Netflix’s most popular self-produced films. It’s a well-made, exciting and hefty film that will no doubt be tempting for minors to watch – especially considering that the movie mimics a computer game. But here there awaits a hyperviolent film with very strong impressions. A sequel is likely to come in 2022.


American thriller series, 2018-2021
Age limit on Netflix: 16 years
This thriller series follows a charming young man who becomes obsessed with young women and pursues them. Persecution and murder, violent attacks. Bad language. Sexualized scenes. The series follows the perpetrator and has a dark and gloomy theme.

The Chestnut Man (Danish Title: «Kastanjemannen»)

Danish crime series, 2021
Age limit on Netflix: 16 years
The Chestnut Man has been on Netflix’s top charts since its release and is an exciting killer mystery for older youth and adults. But it’s not a series for kids. From the very first moment, there is a scary and gloomy atmosphere, and we get to see corpses, injured people, and children in danger from very early in the first episode.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (and other horror films)

American Horror Movie, 2005
Age Limit on Netflix: 13+
There are a number of scary horror movies on Netflix. We choose The Exorcism of Emily Rose as an example, as it has an age limit of 13 years on Netflix. In 2015, the film was given a 15-year age limit by the Norwegian Media Authority when it was released in cinemas. This age limit is no longer valid since the age rating rules have changed. Nevertheless, it gives an indication that this film may be far too much for some 13-year-olds. The film shows, among other things, demonic obsession, animal behavior, and self-harm. Everything takes place in a dark and gloomy film world and offers a very gruesome cinematic experience.

Zombieland: Double Tap (and other zombie movies)

AMERICAN thriller, 2019
Age limit on Netflix: 18 years
The two Zombieland movies are horror movies with extremely bloody content. Zombie movies can be disturbing with their disgusting and unnatural human figures brutally butchering, killing, and eating people – while heroes do their best to slaughter the zombies in an equally brutal way.

Other zombie movies on Netflix that can be mentioned are Alive (South Korea, 2020, 16+), Day of the Dead: Bloodline (US, 2018, 18+), Reality Z (Brazil, 2020, 16+),  Resident Evil  (US, 2002, 16+).

The Hangover (and other adult comedies)

American Comedy, 2009
Age Limit on Netflix: 16+
Four buddies go to Las Vegas to celebrate bachelorette parties. When they wake up the next morning, the groom is gone. Alcohol, drugs, sex. This comedy offers cheeky and relentless humour for older adolescents and adults, but for children, this is too much. Netflix also has a number of adult comedies targeting youth adults and adults.

How to sell drugs online (fast) (and other films about drugs)

German drama series, 2019-2021
Age limit on Netflix: 16+
Moritz is a teenager who is looking for making money by selling synthetic drugs over the «darknet.» It is going to be a great success, and he is getting into more and more trouble – but his ambitions to become a drug dealer are getting bigger and bigger. This is one of many movies and series on Netflix that are all about drugs. We highlight this because it has a language use, protagonists, and a mix of humor and excitement that allows it to appeal to a younger audience. The series can be interpreted as portraying the use of MDMA in a positive way, and the sale of drugs as something cool. At the same time, the characters move into a violent world, and the violence is again something that is not very suitable for children below the age limit.

Other series on drugs that can be mentioned are the popular series Narcos (US, 2015-2017, 16+) and Narcos Mexico (US, 2018-2021, 18+). The classic Breaking Bad (US, 2008-2013, 16+) and its prequel Better Call Saul (US, 2015-2020, 16+).


American Horror Movie, 2021
Age Limit on Netflix: 7+
Nightbooks is a child-friendly horror movie with a good message that is great for slightly younger viewers. However, we’ll include it on this list since the movie is given a seven-year age limit on Netflix. We believe this is too low and has the potential to give children at the age of seven a negative film experience. When children start to turn nine or 10 years old, those who have seen some slightly scary movies before are more likely to be allowed to watch this movie without it getting too scary. But also for this age group, it can probably get a little scary at times.
Read Barnevakten’s Review
The film is also included in our list of film tips for Halloween

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(Written on 02.11.2021 and translated by Ratan Samadder)