Providing Free Online Homework Assistance for Norwegian Teens

Do you find it challenging to assist your teenagers with their homework? The Red Cross offers an online service to help middle school (ungdomsskole) and high school (videregående skole) students with their studies.

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On the site «Kids and Media» we give information and tips for fresh immigrants and language minorities in Norway.

While it’s ideal for parents to invest time in helping their children with their schoolwork, not all parents are comfortable with subjects like fractions or the intricacies of the French Revolution. Moreover, in some households, parents are unavailable, and children must find solutions on their own.

The Red Cross offers an online service called «Digital Leksehjelp» (Digital Homework Help) in Norway.

Getting in touch with Red Cross volunteers is straightforward. The service is available on weekdays from 5 PM to 9 PM.

Volunteers can interact with teenagers through various means:

  • Chat
  • Video and audio calls
  • Digital whiteboard

Here’s what a chat might look like:

To use Digital Homework Help, there’s no need to log in. The service is anonymous, with teenagers not required to share any personal information. Students simply select the subject they need assistance with and are connected with a volunteer who can provide guidance.

To utilize this service from the Red Cross, you can visit the Digital Leksehjelp website.

On this platform, you can choose from subjects like Norwegian, mathematics, English, foreign languages, biology, chemistry, and many more subjects commonly studied in middle and high schools. The availability of subjects may vary from day to day, depending on the expertise of the volunteers who are logged in. Subjects are matched to the volunteer’s background.

In addition to subject-specific support, there are also discussions on various topics, from dealing with exam anxiety to improving oral presentation skills. One can also search through previously asked questions and their corresponding answers.

(Translated from Norwegian by Ratan Samadder)